My Barefoot Story Series: Resolving Plantar Fascia, Knee and Back Pain with Leah

While scientific studies and research form the basis for our understanding on how our shoes impact our feet and body, there is still limited information about specific issues many of us are dealing with.
We’re all unique individuals dealing with different feet, bodies and histories. No one’s story is going to be the exact same as yours. But, there may be someone who is dealing with something similar. Since I haven’t been through everything (and no one has!), I thought it would be valuable to bring in more voices to share their own experiences.
When I hear someone’s personal story about transitioning to barefoot shoes and the benefits they saw, it not only offers hope, but things to try and consider.
I see people sharing their stories on Facebook and in Instagram comments, but after a few days they’re quickly buried by the constant production of new content. I wanted a place where people could easily find and read a story that might relate to their specific situation. That inspired this series–My Barefoot Story: How Barefoot Shoes Helped Me.
This is not medical advice. The best option is to find a medical practitioner that will guide you through your specific situation.
My Barefoot Story Q&A: Leah
To kick off this series, my first interviewee is someone that struggled with plantar fascia pain, along with knee and back aches. I’ll let her tell you more about her experience trying to resolve these issue and how she started wearing barefoot shoes as part of that journey.
1 Why did you start looking into barefoot shoes? Were you dealing with foot pain or any other health issues?
I was noticing on my daily walk that my feet, knees, and back seemed out of sync. My knees had been more unstable and prone to getting injured. My back felt like it was going out more often. With my feet, I’ve dealt with plantar fasciitis most of my life, so this wasn’t super new. I have tried inserts from Dr. Scholls to Good Feet, but nothing really seemed to make a long-lasting difference besides myropractic massages and stretching regularly.
1a If you had foot pain, do you have a better understanding now of what caused/contributed to it?
I have a much better understanding of why my feet, knees, and back ache or get easily hurt. It has to do with inflamed plantar fascia, an improper walking gait, and not enough core support for the back.
2 What encouraged you to make the leap and buy a pair of barefoot shoes?
I was listening to a fitness podcast where they were talking about how much an elevated heel messes up the way you walk, leading to the issues I was noticing more and more. My family has been into them for a while and I decided it was time to see if they worked for me.
3 What was your first pair of barefoot shoes? Going back, would you have opted for a different pair?
My first and only pair so far are Whitin shoes, just about $40 on Amazon. I love them! Unfortunately, I don’t have anything to compare them with yet, but I have gotten my kids (ages 6 and 7) Splay Athletics shoes which have worked well for them.

4 What else did you do that helped your transition to barefoot shoes? (Anything like foot exercises, walking gait assessment, toe spacers, etc)
I got an assessment from a physical therapist that helped me understand what was wrong with my feet and gait. She gave me different exercises to do to realign my hips and stretch/exercise my feet so they could function better.
5 Any last piece of advice you’d offer someone considering barefoot shoes?
Do it! You will not regret it. I have never worn a more comfortable shoe in my life. With “regular” shoes, there was always some pain point or other, even in those marketed to be comfortable and ergonomic. With barefoot shoes, I put them on and can hardly even tell they are on, not to mention all the positive improvement in my gait and body alignment. Heaven!